Here I will be developing a model for prediction of handwritten digits using famous MNIST dataset. I will build first model using Support Vector Machine(SVM) followed by an improved approach using Principal Component Analysis(PCA).

Fetching Data

#Loading train & test data, the datasets were obtained from kaggle:
mnist <- read.csv("train.csv")
mnist_test <- read.csv("test.csv")

Checking dataset dimensions


## [1] 42000   785

#train dataset have 42000 images & 785 columns(784 representing 28x28 pixels image, 1 representing image class)


## [1] 28000   784

#train dataset have 28000 images & 784 columns(784 representing 28x28 pixels image)

Lets check distribution percentage of each digit in train dataset

table(mnist$label)/nrow(mnist) *100

##         0         1         2         3         4         5         6
##  9.838095 11.152381  9.945238 10.359524  9.695238  9.035714  9.850000
##         7         8         9
## 10.478571  9.673810  9.971429

#Have uniform distribution of each digit

Visualizing a digit in data

digit <- matrix(as.numeric(mnist[4,-1]), nrow = 28)
image(digit, col = grey.colors(255))

#This is how a typical digit looks in our dataset, image is flipped

Some more images of same digit to show the variations in handwriting


mnist_copy_7 <- mnist_copy[mnist_copy$label == 7, ]
flip <- function(matrix){
  apply(matrix, 2, rev)
#Shows 9 diffrent ways people write digit 7
for (i in 10:18){
  digit <- flip(matrix(rev(as.numeric(mnist_copy_7[i,-c(1, 786)])), nrow = 28)) #shows different styles of digit
  image(digit, col = grey.colors(255))

Preparing to build the model

#Lets first convert our class label to factor or categorical type
mnist$label <-factor(mnist$label)

#Dividing data into training & validation sets
indices = sample.split(mnist$label, SplitRatio = 0.2)
train = mnist[indices,]
test = mnist[-indices,]

Building a model for predicting handwritten image using SVM

#I have skipped hyper-parameter tunning here as its compute intensive
Model_RBF <- ksvm(label~., data = train, scale = FALSE, kernel = "rbfdot")

## Warning in .local(x, ...): Variable(s) `' constant. Cannot scale data.

Eval_RBF<- predict(Model_RBF, test)
#confusion matrix - RBF Kernel

## Confusion Matrix and Statistics
##           Reference
## Prediction    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9
##          0 4081    0   17    6    5   19   28    6    7   18
##          1    0 4612   14   15    9    7    1   34   44   11
##          2    8   23 4023   69   20   18    4   36   18   11
##          3    2   14   15 4079    0   59    0    2   41   58
##          4    6    7   27    2 3925    8   11   25   25   66
##          5   10    6    7   79    3 3631   24    4   45   15
##          6   13    1   10    8   13   31 4063    0   12    1
##          7    1    5   31   23    5    4    0 4208   19   59
##          8   10   11   28   47    1    9    6    4 3825   30
##          9    1    4    5   23   91    9    0   82   27 3919
## Overall Statistics
##                Accuracy : 0.9611          
##                  95% CI : (0.9592, 0.9629)
##     No Information Rate : 0.1115          
##     P-Value [Acc > NIR] : < 2.2e-16       
##                   Kappa : 0.9568          
##  Mcnemar's Test P-Value : NA              
## Statistics by Class:
##                      Class: 0 Class: 1 Class: 2 Class: 3 Class: 4 Class: 5
## Sensitivity           0.98766   0.9848  0.96313  0.93749  0.96390  0.95679
## Specificity           0.99720   0.9964  0.99453  0.99493  0.99533  0.99495
## Pos Pred Value        0.97468   0.9716  0.95106  0.95527  0.95685  0.94953
## Neg Pred Value        0.99865   0.9981  0.99592  0.99279  0.99612  0.99570
## Prevalence            0.09838   0.1115  0.09945  0.10360  0.09695  0.09036
## Detection Rate        0.09717   0.1098  0.09579  0.09712  0.09345  0.08645
## Detection Prevalence  0.09969   0.1130  0.10072  0.10167  0.09767  0.09105
## Balanced Accuracy     0.99243   0.9906  0.97883  0.96621  0.97962  0.97587
##                      Class: 6 Class: 7 Class: 8 Class: 9
## Sensitivity           0.98211   0.9561  0.94142  0.93577
## Specificity           0.99765   0.9961  0.99615  0.99360
## Pos Pred Value        0.97856   0.9662  0.96323  0.94184
## Neg Pred Value        0.99804   0.9949  0.99374  0.99289
## Prevalence            0.09850   0.1048  0.09674  0.09972
## Detection Rate        0.09674   0.1002  0.09107  0.09331
## Detection Prevalence  0.09886   0.1037  0.09455  0.09907
## Balanced Accuracy     0.98988   0.9761  0.96879  0.96468

Lets try PCA now

#Reducing features using PCA
mnist_norm_cov <- cov(mnist_norm)
pca <- prcomp(mnist_norm_cov)
trainlabel <- mnist[,1]

#Checking relationship between number of Pricipal Components & Variance
vexplained <-$sdev^2/sum(pca$sdev^2))
vexplained <- cbind(c(1:784),vexplained,cumsum(vexplained[,1]))
colnames(vexplained) <- c("No_of_Principal_Components","Individual_Variance_Explained","Cumulative_Variance_Explained")

#Plot between Cumulative Variance & Principal Components
plot(vexplained$No_of_Principal_Components,vexplained$Cumulative_Variance_Explained, xlim = c(0,150),type='b',pch=16,xlab = "Principal Componets",ylab = "Cumulative Variance Explained",main = 'Principal Components vs Cumulative Variance Explained')

Table showing Cumulative Variance & Principal Components

vexplainedsummary <- vexplained[seq(0,150,5),]
No_of_Principal_Components Individual_Variance_Explained Cumulative_Variance_Explained
5 5 0.0716813 0.7099512
10 10 0.0180431 0.8711603
15 15 0.0081399 0.9256031
20 20 0.0043323 0.9527282
25 25 0.0025642 0.9682100
30 30 0.0015399 0.9779664
35 35 0.0010429 0.9840624
40 40 0.0007112 0.9880982
45 45 0.0004829 0.9909898
50 50 0.0003355 0.9929776
55 55 0.0002571 0.9944191
60 60 0.0001985 0.9955116
65 65 0.0001498 0.9963654
70 70 0.0001163 0.9970027
75 75 0.0000902 0.9975132
80 80 0.0000663 0.9978984
85 85 0.0000573 0.9982081
90 90 0.0000468 0.9984654
95 95 0.0000382 0.9986709
100 100 0.0000327 0.9988451
105 105 0.0000269 0.9989884
110 110 0.0000218 0.9991066
115 115 0.0000188 0.9992046
120 120 0.0000161 0.9992906
125 125 0.0000141 0.9993654
130 130 0.0000120 0.9994293
135 135 0.0000108 0.9994860
140 140 0.0000090 0.9995354
145 145 0.0000080 0.9995773
150 150 0.0000071 0.9996148
#Note: Variance till Number of Principal Components 45 is 0.9909898

Applying SVM on training set and calculating accuracy using top 45 principal components

mnist_final <- as.matrix(mnist[,-1]) %*% pca$x[,1:45]
trainlabel <- as.factor(trainlabel) <- svm(mnist_final,trainlabel,cost = 2)
predictionfinaltrain <- predict(,mnist_final)
correcttrainfinal <- predictionfinaltrain==trainlabel
Accuracytrainfinal <- (sum(correcttrainfinal)/nrow(mnist_final))*100
Accuracytrainfinal #99.70 %

## [1] 99.70238

Predicting mnist test data labels using above model

mnist_test_pca<-as.matrix(mnist_test) %*% pca$x[,1:45]

##  [1] 2 0 9 9 3 7 0 3 0 3
## Levels: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

#Testing a predicted label manually, Digit 3 on 8th record is correctly predicted.
digit <- matrix(as.numeric(mnist_test[8,-785]), nrow = 28)
image(digit, col = grey.colors(255))

#I get a decent accuracy of 98.4% using this model on kaggle, but can we do better?

Thanks for reviewing this script, I will soon share a better model using Artificial Neural Networks & tensorflow.